
Wong Wo Bik

Dance with the Lake and the Rock #1
digital print, rice paper 2023


Dance with the Lake and the Rock #2
digital print, rice paper 2023


Dance with the Lake and the Rock #3
digital print, rice paper 2023


Blue Gardening 2023
cyanotype print on watercolor paper 



Gardening of Flowers 2021
layering of flower images, transparent plastic box, lightbox


My first encounter with Lake Milada, an artificial lake, gave me the opportunity to enjoy its beauty and serenity just by looking at its endless horizon. At the same time, my encounter with the Tisa Rocks offered me a sense of the enduring majesty of nature.

My artwork serves as a reflective lens through which we can consider the complex relationships between human activity and the natural environment. 

Through the interplay of light, texture, layer, color and form, I strive to convey the tension and harmony between the precision of man-made environments and the unbridled creativity of nature.

I invite viewers to recognize the harmonies hidden in the dissonance, to seek the balance that can exist between human innovation and ecological preservation.