
Visit of the organization the People in Need in Předlice

In September, members of the project team and artist Robert Vlasák visited the project’s partner, the People in Need in the house in Předlice. Director Vít Kučera and his team of colleagues also participated in the meeting. During the meeting, the director described the current state of the building, the problems they are facing in the house and also described clients of the organization and how they help them. Colleagues added their suggestions and proposals, with which Robert Vlasák will continue to work on the proposal for an artwork in a public space.

Robert Vlasák is an artist and sculptor. He works as the head of the Natural Materials Studio at the Faculty of Art and Design of the J. E. Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem. Vlasák experiments with the physics of various materials and situations in his work. He is interested in phenomena such as movement and balance. He is interested in the mechanical and optical aspects of things, often their electronic and sonic aspects.